







店內大小大約僅容旋馬的面積,不過塞個二十個人應該可以吧?基本上沒有非常精心的裝潢,簡單的幾幅美式七零年代海報就算裝飾,其他就只有偏昏黃的燈光和全時段不停的BBC radio播送。不是「加州」燒烤堡?阿播英式新聞是怎樣?雖然英國腔聽起來很熟悉,但就是不對味啊,氣氛表現,零分~{#emotions_dlg.emotion_016}










California ALE,口味略苦,但啤酒味非常濃郁,很有ALE特色,很推薦,但喝慣Lager的人就不建議了,可能因為口味關係不能接受,馬克嫂就是一例。(嘿嘿,所以我順勢喝完一整瓶{#emotions_dlg.emotion_b06})





Restaurants: California Grill

By Catherine Thomas
Friday, Aug 10, 2007, Page 15

Situated at the Jinhua Street end of Yongkang Street, at first glance California Grill is a deceptively simple burger joint. From heavily laden burgers to well-dressed salads, the restaurant offers appealing fare for meat lovers and vegetarians alike.

The joint was a long time in the planning. Chef Brian Stoddart and his Californian partner, Wei Shum (沈維), had been considering opening a high quality Western-style grill for a couple of years when a rare space came up on Yongkang Street. With two other partners they aimed to create a restaurant that would stand out from Taipei's myriad western food options.

The burgers, even with a rather lean 10 percent fat, are juicy. Unlike their fast food counterparts, eating these burgers requires dexterity to keep them together towards the end as the juices and sauce mingle and soak into the buns, which are low in sugar and preservative-free and come in white or whole-wheat.

The Mofo burger is an almighty stack of freshly made patty (100 percent USDA beef), bacon, American cheddar cheese, garlic mayo, barbecue sauce, and salad served in a white bun. There is a chicken breast option and customized burgers are available on request.

A healthier sounding choice is the salmon burger, which consists of a fillet of sashimi grade Canadian freshwater salmon, grilled and served with pesto mayonnaise on a whole-wheat bun. For vegetarians, the tofu burger is prepared with a sesame and ginger glaze.

California Grill also offers a selection of three salads with homemade sauces. The So Cal comes with a surprisingly tangy and spicy yogurt dressing made from Swiss plain yogurt and a secret blend of spices, which juxtaposes unexpected flavors with the fresh orange slices. The Napa Valley comes served with freshly grilled chicken and a light white wine dressing.

From washing their veggies with Harvest Pure Wash to remove pesticide residue to sourcing non-farmed salmon and homemade tofu, California Grill certainly lives up to its namesake's reputation for enjoying the good times, but keeping an eye on health concerns.

California Grill's drinks include sodas (Dad's root beer), English ales from the Badger brewery and milk shakes. The milk shakes deserve a special mention. Firstly, they are thick and creamy (the milk shake machine was imported from the US), secondly because of the natural flavorings, and thirdly, starting this month there will be an option of adding Baileys and Kahlua.

出處:Taipei Times

店名:California Grill 加州燒烤堡

地址:53-1 Yonngkang St. Taipei(台北市永康街53-1)



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